Thu. Feb 13th, 2025

Cleaning the house using a vacuum cleaner has been considered as the easiest way compared to sweeping and mopping. Especially to clean carpets that can not use brooms. However, you must be careful because using a vacuum cleaner can harm such as triggering allergies due to the dust, bacteria, and fungus that it causes. The recommended thing is to wash the carpet with water and cleaners. If we don’t have enough space to wash the carpet, we can ask for help from same day carpet cleaning sydney who already has experience. We can entrust all kinds of carpet on them.

Why is a vacuum cleaner not recommended? because the particles smaller than dust will be lifted and sprayed again by the vacuum cleaner into the air. These particles will be spread throughout the room and it is not impossible to be inhaled by residents of the house. According to a group of researchers in Australia, bacteria and fungi contained in these small particles can trigger allergies.

Universities in Australia and Canada have conducted experiments and found that in the vacuum of vacuum cleaner it contains residual bacterial DNA that is resistant to drugs and DNA of poisonous bacteria. According to researchers, dust in the room can be a medium for the transfer of infant botulism type bacteria that has the potential to cause sudden death. You certainly don’t want bad things to happen at your home.

A biologist said that bacteria in the room should be more aware of, especially if there are occupants of the house who suffer from allergies, asthma, and respiratory infections because it can attack without significant symptoms. This biologist also led the research group and has tested 21 types of vacuum cleaners with different qualities and functions in tunnels that are clean of bacteria and fungi. The results of this study are expected to make people more alert when using a vacuum cleaner. No need to dispose of your vacuum cleaner, but reduce the frequency of use.

Vacuum cleaners should only be used to clean areas that are difficult to reach and cannot be cleaned using a broom-like carpet. Make sure you wear a mask and rubber gloves when using a vacuum cleaner. For daily household cleaning activities, you should use a broom and a mop.
Carpet Cleaning Sydney
38 Canoon Rd, South Turramurra NSW 2074, Australia
0413 194 766

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